Thursday, January 5, 2012

Paci Puppy

This post goes way back before Thanksgiving...Connor will be three in January and I knew it was time to get rid of the pacis.  He had only been using the paci at home during nap and night time.  On Friday afternoon, I asked Connor if he wanted to go to Build A Bear and put all his pacis in a stuffed animal since he was such a big boy now.  He agreed, but I don't really think he knew 100% what he was agreeing to.

He collected ALL his pacis out of his drawer, he would sleep with one clipped to him and another one in his hand (and yes, he did have a purple paci)

When we got to the store he picked a dog, so we decided to name it Paci Puppy

Helping stuff the puppy

Adding the pacis to the puppy

Giving the puppy a bath

He was so happy!

Then the puppy was dressed in pajamas so he could sleep with Connor at night

***UPDATE*** Connor did pretty well sleeping with no pacis for about the first week.  Then he stopped taking naps because he couldn't find a way to soothe himself to sleep.  No nap for Connor equals me losing my sanity.  Then we found out about Bradley and Lonnie passing away so my nerves were very short.  After Bradley's funeral, Connor wouldn't nap so I had to break out the one paci I had stashed for an emergency.  Matt thinks we took 5 steps backwards, but I feel like we took at least one step forward.  He used to sleep with 2-3 pacis at night, now we are down to one! 

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