Friday, April 1, 2011

Matt Made The List

My sh*t list that is...Yesterday when I got home from work, I opened the door so Connor could go in while I got stuff out of the car.  Then I heard "Uh oh, bad Cooper!" and I knew it couldn't be good. 

I guess I forgot to lock Cooper's cage that morning or she let herself out, but that's besides the point.  Matt left the trash bag sitting in the kitchen and Cooper just helped herself! 

Not what I was looking forward to cleaning up when I got home, which is why he made the list! (And received a nice text message, including pictures)

Thankfully someone decided to help me out! (The tape X's are where Connor stands to shoot the basketball, in case you were wondering)

Finally after we I got everything cleaned up, we started our normal nightly routine.  Connor has become so picky when it comes to food, that I've decided to give him choices and he can pick what we eat (sides only).  If he picks it, then there isn't much of an argument when we sit down.

Here he is trying to make a decision last night...

I can't believe it's April already, the year is flying by!

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