Connor says things that I don't want to forget. Three isn't always the easiest age (due to him testing all the boundaries), but he's definitely very vocal and you NEVER know what is going to come out of his mouth!!!
Here are just a few of the most recent things:
Water lemon (two words for Connor and translates to watermelon for everyone else)
The other day when I picked Connor up from school it was starting to thunder. We were half way through the parking lot and Connor starts yelling (right after thunder) "IT'S GOD! Mom, did you hear GOD?" It completely caught me off guard, not to mention everyone was looking at us. He proceeded to tell me that God was playing basketball and that's why we were able to hear him.
Connor has said on several different occasions, that when he grows up he'd like to be a dog. Today Cooper had her stitches removed at the vet's office and Connor asked "Cooper got to see her small friends and her big friends? When I grow up and I'm a dog, I want to go visit my friends." So I asked, are you a dog today? "No, Mom. I'm not a dog today, when I grow up I'll be a dog!"
Good night dreams (translation: Sweet Dreams)
Sidewards (translation: combination of backwards and sideways)
Sumscream (translation: sunscreen)
Never a dull moment with this little boy!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
First Swim of the Year
Today Gigi and I took Connor for his first swim of the year. Last year he did swimming lessons, but that has all been forgotten. I ended up getting him a Puddle Jumper, just like the one Crissy recommended. Whoever invented this little contraption is genius! It works so well, not like the floaties I grew up know the ones when you jumped in the pool, they would slip right off!

By the end of day, he didn't need anyone holding his hand which was major progress from the beginning.

As you can see, he definitely had a wonderful time at the pool. This kid does NOT nap anymore on the weekends, so I know he was worn out. We'll definitely be going to the pool more often!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Italian Fest
It's been a while since Matt and I went out out, meaning more than just dinner. We went to a couple's shower with Ashley and David for a friend of ours who's getting married in July. After the shower we all decided to head over to Italian Fest.

The weather could not have been more perfect for the evening, very unusual for Memphis at the beginning of June.

One of the reasons we went to Italian Fest was to watch The Eli Young Band. They were supposed to start at 9, but didn't start until about 9:45. We waited for them to play the ONE song we knew, Crazy Girl. It ended up being the last song they played...just our luck! Needless to say, we ended up getting home around midnight and on Sunday I was dragging. I'm definitely getting to be too old!!!
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