Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here We Go Again...

Once AGAIN Memphis is getting snow!  Schools closed early today, which meant Connor's daycare also closed early.  The drive home was not much fun, but I have to say it wasn't as bad as Ashley's and Caroline's.   
Connor's nap at school was cut short today so he was in a FABULOUS mood when we got home.  He finally decided to relax on the couch and eat a rice krispie treat. 

Could life be any better for this toddler?!

After he had enough of laying around on the couch, he decided to drive his cars around the house.  Up until today he hasn't been able to make the jeep go by himself, but today the light bulb turned on!  Now he is going to have to work on pushing the pedal and steering at the same time.  Needless to say, the jeep is now in the garage and will only be used outside.

It didn't have very good traction in the snow

I think Matt was whispering thoughts of 4 wheelers and dirt bikes to Connor.

Love my boys!

Schools have already closed for tomorrow, so Connor will be going to Yaya's for the day.  I'm going to attempt to get downtown to work...keeping my fingers crossed!

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