In the meantime, Connor was staying with Gigi and Big Daddy. What was suppose to be a day stay turned into a weekend stay for him. I went to drop Connor off at daycare and they wouldn't let him stay because of some bumps/blisters on his face. We went straight to the open clinic at the pediatrician's office and found out that he had the hand foot mouth virus. Apparently it is something that is going around the classroom :)
Once we got back from Nashville on Sunday we picked Connor up and went to see Aunt Cece's new puppy, Knox! Knox is adorable and Connor didn't know what to think about him...
So that was the weekend, which brings us to Monday. I had a feeling this morning when I dropped Connor off at daycare that he wasn't going to last all day. He did have a doctor's note to return, but something else was off. After lunch, I got the phone call to come pick him up because he had a fever. When I got there I knew he wasn't feeling good because he was so cuddly. As Connor's gotten older, it seems like he is becoming very independent...for instance, he doesn't like to fall asleep in your arms anymore he wants to put himself to sleep in his crib. Anyways, hopefully Connor will be feeling better in the morning. But until he does, he'll be with Gigi.